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Illinois Beach State Park, Midwest United States (Center on Interactive Map)

Map of Illinois Beach State Park, Midwest United States

Map of Illinois Beach State Park, Midwest United States

Red-eyed Vireo (Vireo olivaceus) Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis) Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) - In Love Spotted Sandpiper (Actitis macularius) European Goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)

Beach and marshland






Next Visit (Lyon's Woods Forest Preserve: 5/23/2021)

Species Recorded (83)

Birds ( 83 )

Grebes ( Podicipedidae )
Horned Grebe - Podiceps auritus

Hawks, Eagles, and Kites ( Accipitridae )
Cooper's Hawk - Accipiter cooperii

Cormorants ( Phalacrocoracidae )
Double-crested Cormorant - Nannopterum auritum

Herons ( Ardeidae )
Great Egret - Ardea alba
Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias
Green Heron - Butorides virescens
Black-crowned Night-Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax

Swans, Geese, and Ducks ( Anatidae )
Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
Canada Goose - Branta canadensis
Red-breasted Merganser - Mergus serrator

New World Vultures ( Cathartidae )
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura

Cranes ( Gruidae )
Sandhill Crane - Antigone canadensis

Plovers ( Charadriidae )
Killdeer - Charadrius vociferus
Black-bellied Plover - Pluvialis squatarola

Sandpipers and Allies ( Scolopacidae )
Spotted Sandpiper - Actitis macularius
Ruddy Turnstone - Arenaria interpres
Solitary Sandpiper - Tringa solitaria

Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers ( Laridae )
Caspian Tern - Hydroprogne caspia
Herring Gull - Larus argentatus
Ring-billed Gull - Larus delawarensis

Pigeons and Doves ( Columbidae )
Mourning Dove - Zenaida macroura

Nighthawks and Nightjars ( Caprimulgidae )
Eastern Whip-poor-will - Antrostomus vociferus

Swifts ( Apodidae )
Chimney Swift - Chaetura pelagica

Piculets and Woodpeckers ( Picidae )
Northern Flicker - Colaptes auratus
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus

Tyrant Flycatchers ( Tyrannidae )
Eastern Wood-Pewee - Contopus virens
Alder Flycatcher - Empidonax alnorum
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - Empidonax flaviventris
Least Flycatcher - Empidonax minimus
Great Crested Flycatcher - Myiarchus crinitus
Eastern Phoebe - Sayornis phoebe
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus

Swallows ( Hirundinidae )
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica
Cliff Swallow - Petrochelidon pyrrhonota
Purple Martin - Progne subis
Northern Rough-winged Swallow - Stelgidopteryx serripennis
Tree Swallow - Tachycineta bicolor

Jays and Crows ( Corvidae )
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos
Blue Jay - Cyanocitta cristata

Chickadees and Titmice ( Paridae )
Black-capped Chickadee - Poecile atricapillus

Wrens ( Troglodytidae )
House Wren - Troglodytes aedon

Old World Warblers and Gnatcatchers ( Sylviidae )
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea

Kinglets ( Regulidae )
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - Corthylio calendula

Thrushes and Allies ( Turdidae )
Veery - Catharus fuscescens
Gray-cheeked Thrush - Catharus minimus
Eastern Bluebird - Sialia sialis
American Robin - Turdus migratorius

Mockingbirds, Thrashers, and Allies ( Mimidae )
Gray Catbird - Dumetella carolinensis

Starlings and Mynas ( Sturnidae )
European Starling - Sturnus vulgaris

Vireos ( Vireonidae )
Warbling Vireo - Vireo gilvus
Red-eyed Vireo - Vireo olivaceus

Wood-warblers ( Parulidae )
Canada Warbler - Cardellina canadensis
Common Yellowthroat - Geothlypis trichas
Tennessee Warbler - Leiothlypis peregrina
Nashville Warbler - Leiothlypis ruficapilla
Northern Parula - Setophaga americana
Blackburnian Warbler - Setophaga fusca
Magnolia Warbler - Setophaga magnolia
Palm Warbler - Setophaga palmarum
Chestnut-sided Warbler - Setophaga pensylvanica
Yellow Warbler - Setophaga petechia
American Redstart - Setophaga ruticilla
Blackpoll Warbler - Setophaga striata
Black-throated Green Warbler - Setophaga virens
Blue-winged Warbler - Vermivora cyanoptera

Grosbeaks and Buntings ( Cardinalidae )
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis

Brushfinches, Seedeaters, Sparrows, and Allies ( Emberizinae )
Swamp Sparrow - Melospiza georgiana
Lincoln's Sparrow - Melospiza lincolnii
Song Sparrow - Melospiza melodia
Savannah Sparrow - Passerculus sandwichensis
Eastern Towhee - Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Chipping Sparrow - Spizella passerina
Field Sparrow - Spizella pusilla
White-throated Sparrow - Zonotrichia albicollis
White-crowned Sparrow - Zonotrichia leucophrys

American Blackbirds and Orioles ( Icteridae )
Red-winged Blackbird - Agelaius phoeniceus
Brown-headed Cowbird - Molothrus ater
Common Grackle - Quiscalus quiscula
Eastern Meadowlark - Sturnella magna

Cardueline Finches and Allies ( Fringillidae )
European Goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis
House Finch - Haemorhous mexicanus
American Goldfinch - Spinus tristis

Old World Sparrows ( Passeridae )
House Sparrow - Passer domesticus


North America
United States


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