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Coffee Farm, Colombia (
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Map of Coffee Farm, Colombia
Map of Coffee Farm, Colombia
Pale-breasted Spinetail (
Synallaxis albescens
Saffron Finch (
Sicalis flaveola
Great Kiskadee (
Pitangus sulphuratus
Ruddy Ground-Dove (
Columbina talpacoti
Andean Motmot (
Momotus aequatorialis
Thick-billed Euphonia (
Euphonia laniirostris
Yellow-faced Grassquit (
Tiaris olivaceus
Blue-headed Parrot (
Pionus menstruus
Lesser Goldfinch (
Spinus psaltria
Lineated Woodpecker (
Dryocopus lineatus
Bar-crested Antshrike (
Thamnophilus multistriatus
Yellow-faced Grassquit (
Tiaris olivaceus
Yellow-bellied Seedeater (
Sporophila nigricollis
Giant Cane Toad (
Rhinella horribilis
Boettger's Colombian Tree Frog (
Dendropsophus columbianus
Yellow-crowned Parrot (
Amazona ochrocephala
Streaked Saltator (
Saltator striatipectus
Southern Rough-winged Swallow (
Stelgidopteryx ruficollis
Northern Mouse-colored Tyrannulet (
Nesotriccus incomta
Golden-crowned Warbler (
Basileuterus culicivorus
Yellow-bellied Seedeater (
Sporophila nigricollis
) - Female
Streaked Saltator (
Saltator striatipectus
Gray Seedeater (
Sporophila intermedia
Steely-vented Hummingbird (
Saucerottia saucerottei
A very popular place to stay for tourists that I will not name because essentially it was lame
: The trip to the hacienda started out fine for the most part, and they told me they could arrange a visit to Rio Blanco, which is the place I most wanted to visit. However, things started downhill near dinner. The guests at this place were oblivious to the concept of travel, instead loudly drinking into late at night after our dinner of various fried foods. Of course, our room was right next to the bar...
: The hacienda completely dropped the ball on arranging the trip to Rio Blanco. So, instead we tried to leave early the next day. It was arranged to leave at 6AM with a breakfast to go. Instead, the cook was very annoyed working on a sit-down breakfast at 6 instead, delaying our departure. To top it all off, we were charged about 5 times the going rate to be transfered to the next hotel. So, overall, a disappointing stay.
Previous Visit (Santa Rita: 2/10/2023)
Next Visit (TInamou Birding Nature Reserve: 2/12/2023)
Species Recorded (67)
Birds ( 65 )
Hawks, Eagles, and Kites ( Accipitridae )
Sharp-shinned Hawk -
Accipiter striatus
Ibises and Spoonbills ( Threskiornithidae )
Bare-faced Ibis -
Phimosus infuscatus
New World Vultures ( Cathartidae )
Black Vulture -
Coragyps atratus
Kites, Hawks, Eagles, and Allies ( Acciptridae )
Broad-winged Hawk -
Buteo platypterus
Falcons and Allies ( Falconidae )
Yellow-headed Caracara -
Daptrius chimachima
Chachalacas, Guans, and Curassows ( Cracidae )
Colombian Chachalaca -
Ortalis columbiana
Pigeons and Doves ( Columbidae )
Ruddy Ground-Dove -
Columbina talpacoti
White-tipped Dove -
Leptotila verreauxi
Pale-vented Pigeon -
Patagioenas cayennensis
Eared Dove -
Zenaida auriculata
New World Parrots ( Psittacidae )
Yellow-crowned Parrot -
Amazona ochrocephala
Spectacled Parrotlet -
Forpus conspicillatus
Bronze-winged Parrot -
Pionus chalcopterus
Blue-headed Parrot -
Pionus menstruus
Nighthawks and Nightjars ( Caprimulgidae )
Common Pauraque -
Nyctidromus albicollis
Swifts ( Apodidae )
White-collared Swift -
Streptoprocne zonaris
Hummingbirds ( Trochilidae )
Rufous-tailed Hummingbird -
Amazilia tzacatl
Black-throated Mango -
Anthracothorax nigricollis
Steely-vented Hummingbird -
Saucerottia saucerottei
Motmots ( Momotidae )
Andean Motmot -
Momotus aequatorialis
Puffbirds ( Bucconidae )
Moustached Puffbird -
Malacoptila mystacalis
Piculets and Woodpeckers ( Picidae )
Lineated Woodpecker -
Dryocopus lineatus
Ovenbirds ( Furnariidae )
Red-faced Spinetail -
Cranioleuca erythrops
Streak-headed Woodcreeper -
Lepidocolaptes souleyetii
Pale-breasted Spinetail -
Synallaxis albescens
Antbirds ( Thamnophilidae )
Bar-crested Antshrike -
Thamnophilus multistriatus
Tyrant Flycatchers ( Tyrannidae )
Eastern Wood-Pewee -
Contopus virens
Yellow-bellied Elaenia -
Elaenia flavogaster
Rusty-margined Flycatcher -
Myiozetetes cayanensis
Northern Mouse-colored Tyrannulet -
Nesotriccus incomta
Sooty-headed Tyrannulet -
Phyllomyias griseiceps
Great Kiskadee -
Pitangus sulphuratus
Black Phoebe -
Sayornis nigricans
Tropical Kingbird -
Tyrannus melancholicus
Golden-faced Tyrannulet -
Zimmerius chrysops
Swallows ( Hirundinidae )
Blue-and-white Swallow -
Pygochelidon cyanoleuca
Southern Rough-winged Swallow -
Stelgidopteryx ruficollis
Wrens ( Troglodytidae )
House Wren -
Troglodytes aedon
Thrushes and Allies ( Turdidae )
Swainson's Thrush -
Catharus ustulatus
Clay-colored Thrush -
Turdus grayi
Black-billed Thrush -
Turdus ignobilis
Wood-warblers ( Parulidae )
Golden-crowned Warbler -
Basileuterus culicivorus
Canada Warbler -
Cardellina canadensis
Mourning Warbler -
Geothlypis philadelphia
Buff-rumped Warbler -
Myiothlypis fulvicauda
Bananaquit ( Coerebinae )
Bananaquit -
Coereba flaveola
Tanagers ( Thraupidae )
Thick-billed Euphonia -
Euphonia laniirostris
Summer Tanager -
Piranga rubra
Crimson-backed Tanager -
Ramphocelus dimidiatus
Flame-rumped Tanager -
Ramphocelus flammigerus
Saffron Finch -
Sicalis flaveola
Gray Seedeater -
Sporophila intermedia
Ruddy-breasted Seedeater -
Sporophila minuta
Yellow-bellied Seedeater -
Sporophila nigricollis
Scrub Tanager -
Stilpnia vitriolina
Blue-gray Tanager -
Thraupis episcopus
Palm Tanager -
Thraupis palmarum
Grosbeaks and Buntings ( Cardinalidae )
Rose-breasted Grosbeak -
Pheucticus ludovicianus
Streaked Saltator -
Saltator striatipectus
Brushfinches, Seedeaters, Sparrows, and Allies ( Emberizinae )
Yellow-faced Grassquit -
Tiaris olivaceus
Blue-black Grassquit -
Volatinia jacarina
Rufous-collared Sparrow -
Zonotrichia capensis
American Blackbirds and Orioles ( Icteridae )
Shiny Cowbird -
Molothrus bonariensis
Cardueline Finches and Allies ( Fringillidae )
Lesser Goldfinch -
Spinus psaltria
Old World Sparrows ( Passeridae )
Tricolored Munia -
Lonchura malacca
South America