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Santiago, Nueva Leon (Center on Interactive Map)

Map of Santiago, Nueva Leon

Map of Santiago, Nueva Leon

Dusky-capped Flycatcher (Myiarchus tuberculifer) Crimson-collared Grosbeak (Periporphyrus celaeno) - Male Olive Sparrow (Arremonops rufivirgatus) Crimson-collared Grosbeak (Periporphyrus celaeno) - Female Long-billed Thrasher (Toxostoma longirostre)

Scrubby land



4/5/2024: We woke up at 4:45 to get a jump on the Tawny-throated Nightjar. After arriving at the spot, we could hear it calling right away. There was the silhouette of a nightjar as well, but I think that was the Pauraque, which we heard more of.

This trip, we took the guides from Kingfisher Tours, and I don't think I would have found the Long-billed Thrasher without their help.

After the nightjay/thrasher spot, we headed over to a nearby lake.

Previous Visit (Santa Maria del Tule: 4/4/2024)
Next Visit (Laguna de Sanchez: 4/5/2024)

Species Recorded (64)

Birds ( 64 )

Shoebill ( Balaenicipitidae )
Brown Pelican - Pelecanus occidentalis

Tinamous ( Tinamidae )
Thicket Tinamou - Crypturellus cinnamomeus

Grebes ( Podicipedidae )
Pied-billed Grebe - Podilymbus podiceps

Hawks, Eagles, and Kites ( Accipitridae )
Common Black-Hawk - Buteogallus anthracinus

Cormorants ( Phalacrocoracidae )
Neotropic Cormorant - Nannopterum brasilianum

Herons ( Ardeidae )
Great Egret - Ardea alba
Western Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis
Snowy Egret - Egretta thula
Tricolored Heron - Egretta tricolor
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron - Tigrisoma mexicanum

Swans, Geese, and Ducks ( Anatidae )
Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
Muscovy Duck - Cairina moschata

New World Vultures ( Cathartidae )
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura

Kites, Hawks, Eagles, and Allies ( Acciptridae )
Gray Hawk - Buteo plagiatus
Osprey - Pandion haliaetus

Chachalacas, Guans, and Curassows ( Cracidae )
Plain Chachalaca - Ortalis vetula

Rails, Gallinules, and Allies ( Rallidae )
American Coot - Fulica americana

Sandpipers and Allies ( Scolopacidae )
Spotted Sandpiper - Actitis macularius

Pigeons and Doves ( Columbidae )
White-tipped Dove - Leptotila verreauxi
Red-billed Pigeon - Patagioenas flavirostris
Eurasian Collared-Dove - Streptopelia decaocto
White-winged Dove - Zenaida asiatica
Mourning Dove - Zenaida macroura

Nighthawks and Nightjars ( Caprimulgidae )
Tawny-collared Nightjar - Antrostomus salvini
Common Pauraque - Nyctidromus albicollis

Motmots ( Momotidae )
Blue-capped Motmot - Momotus coeruliceps

Piculets and Woodpeckers ( Picidae )
Golden-fronted Woodpecker - Melanerpes aurifrons

Tyrant Flycatchers ( Tyrannidae )
Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet - Camptostoma imberbe
Dusky-capped Flycatcher - Myiarchus tuberculifer
Great Kiskadee - Pitangus sulphuratus
Couch's Kingbird - Tyrannus couchii

Cotingas ( Cotingidae )
Rose-throated Becard - Pachyramphus aglaiae

Jays and Crows ( Corvidae )
Green Jay - Cyanocorax yncas
Brown Jay - Psilorhinus morio

Chickadees and Titmice ( Paridae )
Black-crested Titmouse - Baeolophus atricristatus

Wrens ( Troglodytidae )
Spot-breasted Wren - Pheugopedius maculipectus
Carolina Wren - Thryothorus ludovicianus
House Wren - Troglodytes aedon

Kinglets ( Regulidae )
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - Corthylio calendula

Thrushes and Allies ( Turdidae )
Hermit Thrush - Catharus guttatus
Clay-colored Thrush - Turdus grayi

Mockingbirds, Thrashers, and Allies ( Mimidae )
Gray Catbird - Dumetella carolinensis
Long-billed Thrasher - Toxostoma longirostre

Vireos ( Vireonidae )
Yellow-green Vireo - Vireo flavoviridis
White-eyed Vireo - Vireo griseus
Blue-headed Vireo - Vireo solitarius

Wood-warblers ( Parulidae )
Golden-crowned Warbler - Basileuterus culicivorus
Rufous-capped Warbler - Basileuterus rufifrons
Yellow-breasted Chat - Icteria virens
Orange-crowned Warbler - Leiothlypis celata
Nashville Warbler - Leiothlypis ruficapilla
Tropical Parula - Setophaga pitiayumi

Tanagers ( Thraupidae )
Hepatic Tanager - Piranga flava
Morelet's Seedeater - Sporophila morelleti

Grosbeaks and Buntings ( Cardinalidae )
Blue Bunting - Cyanocompsa parellina
Crimson-collared Grosbeak - Periporphyrus celaeno

Brushfinches, Seedeaters, Sparrows, and Allies ( Emberizinae )
Olive Sparrow - Arremonops rufivirgatus
Lincoln's Sparrow - Melospiza lincolnii
Chipping Sparrow - Spizella passerina
Yellow-faced Grassquit - Tiaris olivaceus

American Blackbirds and Orioles ( Icteridae )
Red-winged Blackbird - Agelaius phoeniceus
Bronzed Cowbird - Molothrus aeneus
Great-tailed Grackle - Quiscalus mexicanus

Cardueline Finches and Allies ( Fringillidae )
Lesser Goldfinch - Spinus psaltria


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