Picture of Planet Scott BAY AREA BUG EATING SOCIETY (B.A.B.E.S.)
For All Of Your Bug Eating Needs

Bug Eating In The U.S.A.

By Scott Bowers

Everyone eats bugs. Ground-up bugs are in your bread and cereal. Squooshed bugs are in your apple juice. Bugs are in your vegetables. Bugs get into your teeth when you go bike riding. Many people who claim to have no interest in eating bugs, relish "seafood" such as crab, shrimp, lobster, or crawdads. Yet for some reason, people from the industrialized world tend to shun bugs. as a valuable, healthy, and tasty food source.

We at the Bay Area Bug Eating Society, however, see that the tides are turning. Bug eating websites litter the internet. Famed bug chef, David Gordon, convinced Conan O'Brien to eat a cockroach on television. High quality paperback bug cookbooks are available at your favorite bookstore. Don't miss your chance to enjoy endless culinary delight!

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