Scott Reviews The Ross Ice Shelf!

Scott Coast, Antarctica.

I have never been here, so I do not have a review. This beautiful coastline is at the west edge of the Ross Sea. I would imagine that they have penguins there.

Scott Base, Antarctica.

I have never been here, so I do not have a review. Here is a scientific station for New Zealand on the Ross Ice Shelf. I think I will send them an email.
Scott Base, Antarcitca.

Scott Glacier, Antarctica.

I have never been here, so I do not have a review. This is one of two Scott Glaciers in Antarctica. How nice. It is at the south tip of the Ross Ice Shelf. Stop global warming to save the Scott Glaciers.

Scott Island, Antarctica.

I have never been here, so I do not have a review. I'll bet it is cold though. The island is just south of New Zealand and due north of the ice shelf.