Scott Reviews North Carolina.

Scott Hill, North Carolina.

I have very little to say about North Carolina. While I was driving to Scott Hill, I was pulled over by the police not once but twice. I was barely over the speed limit one of the times (60 in a 55). One cop who pulled me over suggested that I should let him search my car. I had nothing to hide, I will assure you, but he had NO CAUSE whatsoever! When I informed him of that, he informed my that I would be arrested (for speeding... 75 mph on the interstate) if I did not comply. Being arrested while on vacation would suck, I think, so I agreed to allow this violation of my civil rights. While he searched every nook and cranny in my car, I stole his pen. I then sent a check to the state to pay for my ticket. Wouldn't you know it, the Jesse Helms State does not accept checks to pay for traffic violations. They sent a letter to Illinois suspending my license. Did I mention that I once had a girlfriend from NC. When I found out that she was living with her HUSBAND, I broke up with her. She didn't like this, so she came to pound on my front door. I ignored her. The telephone was ringing. The miracle of cell phone technology put her on the telephone while she was knocking on my door. How did she dial the phone while she was knocking anyway???
"Wise persons drive around North Carolina."
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