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Burnidge Forest Preserve, Midwest United States (Center on Interactive Map)

Map of Burnidge Forest Preserve, Midwest United States

Map of Burnidge Forest Preserve, Midwest United States

Winter Wren (Troglodytes hiemalis) Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum) - Breeding Plumage Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) Palm Warbler (Dendroica palmarum) Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta)
Brown Thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) Northern Leopard Frog (Rana pipiens)

This preserve, just west of Elgin, Illinois contains deciduous forest and a bog habitat with a good number of snags. There is a large prairie area as well where you can view native plants. Another feature are several reed-banked ponds.

Species Recorded (80)

Birds ( 72 )

Herons ( Ardeidae )
Great Egret - Ardea alba
Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias

Swans, Geese, and Ducks ( Anatidae )
Wood Duck - Aix sponsa
Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
Canada Goose - Branta canadensis
Blue-winged Teal - Spatula discors

New World Vultures ( Cathartidae )
Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura

Kites, Hawks, Eagles, and Allies ( Acciptridae )
Red-tailed Hawk - Buteo jamaicensis

Grouse, Turkeys, and Allies ( Phasianidae )
Ring-necked Pheasant - Phasianus colchicus

Pigeons and Doves ( Columbidae )
Mourning Dove - Zenaida macroura

Swifts ( Apodidae )
Chimney Swift - Chaetura pelagica

Hummingbirds ( Trochilidae )
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Archilochus colubris

Kingfishers ( Alcedinidae )
Belted Kingfisher - Megaceryle alcyon

Piculets and Woodpeckers ( Picidae )
Northern Flicker - Colaptes auratus
Downy Woodpecker - Dryobates pubescens
Red-bellied Woodpecker - Melanerpes carolinus

Tyrant Flycatchers ( Tyrannidae )
Eastern Wood-Pewee - Contopus virens
Alder Flycatcher - Empidonax alnorum
Eastern Kingbird - Tyrannus tyrannus

Swallows ( Hirundinidae )
Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica
Northern Rough-winged Swallow - Stelgidopteryx serripennis
Tree Swallow - Tachycineta bicolor

Jays and Crows ( Corvidae )
American Crow - Corvus brachyrhynchos
Blue Jay - Cyanocitta cristata

Chickadees and Titmice ( Paridae )
Black-capped Chickadee - Poecile atricapillus

Nuthatches ( Sittidae )
White-breasted Nuthatch - Sitta carolinensis

Wrens ( Troglodytidae )
Sedge Wren - Cistothorus stellaris
House Wren - Troglodytes aedon
Winter Wren - Troglodytes hiemalis

Old World Warblers and Gnatcatchers ( Sylviidae )
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Polioptila caerulea

Thrushes and Allies ( Turdidae )
Veery - Catharus fuscescens
Swainson's Thrush - Catharus ustulatus
Wood Thrush - Hylocichla mustelina
Eastern Bluebird - Sialia sialis
American Robin - Turdus migratorius

Mockingbirds, Thrashers, and Allies ( Mimidae )
Gray Catbird - Dumetella carolinensis
Brown Thrasher - Toxostoma rufum

Waxwings ( Bombycillidae )
Cedar Waxwing - Bombycilla cedrorum

Starlings and Mynas ( Sturnidae )
European Starling - Sturnus vulgaris

Vireos ( Vireonidae )
Yellow-throated Vireo - Vireo flavifrons
Warbling Vireo - Vireo gilvus

Wood-warblers ( Parulidae )
Common Yellowthroat - Geothlypis trichas
Yellow-breasted Chat - Icteria virens
Black-and-white Warbler - Mniotilta varia
Northern Parula - Setophaga americana
Bay-breasted Warbler - Setophaga castanea
Cerulean Warbler - Setophaga cerulea
Yellow-rumped Warbler - Setophaga coronata
Blackburnian Warbler - Setophaga fusca
Palm Warbler - Setophaga palmarum
Chestnut-sided Warbler - Setophaga pensylvanica
Yellow Warbler - Setophaga petechia
American Redstart - Setophaga ruticilla
Black-throated Green Warbler - Setophaga virens

Tanagers ( Thraupidae )
Scarlet Tanager - Piranga olivacea

Grosbeaks and Buntings ( Cardinalidae )
Northern Cardinal - Cardinalis cardinalis
Indigo Bunting - Passerina cyanea
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Pheucticus ludovicianus

Brushfinches, Seedeaters, Sparrows, and Allies ( Emberizinae )
Lincoln's Sparrow - Melospiza lincolnii
Song Sparrow - Melospiza melodia
Eastern Towhee - Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Field Sparrow - Spizella pusilla
White-crowned Sparrow - Zonotrichia leucophrys

American Blackbirds and Orioles ( Icteridae )
Red-winged Blackbird - Agelaius phoeniceus
Bobolink - Dolichonyx oryzivorus
Baltimore Oriole - Icterus galbula
Orchard Oriole - Icterus spurius
Brown-headed Cowbird - Molothrus ater
Common Grackle - Quiscalus quiscula
Eastern Meadowlark - Sturnella magna

Cardueline Finches and Allies ( Fringillidae )
American Goldfinch - Spinus tristis

Old World Sparrows ( Passeridae )
House Sparrow - Passer domesticus


North America
United States


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